Dorianne Jentzen

Five years ago Dorianne made a New Year’s resolution… “Quit talking about it; just do it.”
She thought about running a marathon, but that sounded too easy, so she decided to try IMPROV!
Since then, she has taken too many classes to count from L.A to NYC.
In 2019, the hosts of The Moth Story Slam-Ann Arbor pulled Dorianne’s name out of a hat. Having not prepared anything, she quickly turned to her improvisational skills and had the audience laughing and crying at the same time. That night she won The Story Slam
Dorianne has an incredible gift to bring laughter and humor in every aspect of her life and loves sharing it with others.
She thought about running a marathon, but that sounded too easy, so she decided to try IMPROV!
Since then, she has taken too many classes to count from L.A to NYC.
In 2019, the hosts of The Moth Story Slam-Ann Arbor pulled Dorianne’s name out of a hat. Having not prepared anything, she quickly turned to her improvisational skills and had the audience laughing and crying at the same time. That night she won The Story Slam
Dorianne has an incredible gift to bring laughter and humor in every aspect of her life and loves sharing it with others.